Our partners are so important, and we accomplish a lot together! We are grateful for your support in our mission of adult literacy.
Skyline Literacy works in partnership with Harrisonburg City Public Schools, Massanutten Technical Center, Blue Ridge Community College, and the following local universities: JMU, EMU, and Bridgewater College. These institutions provide volunteer tutors, interns, and collaboration on a variety of projects. Skyline also partners with other local non-profit organizations, including Church World Service-Harrisonburg, Gus Bus, and On the Road Collaborative with several grant-funded projects.
GFL Sponsorships
We are grateful for the ongoing support from the corporate and private sectors to our annual fundraising efforts, such as the Golf Tournament. Their support enables Skyline Literacy to serve more adult learners and take down barriers to educational achievement.
Become a Partner
If you would like to partner with us, please call us at 540-433-0505 or email nshenk@skylineliteracy.org.