Adam, a determined individual from Sudan, arrived in Harrisonburg in 2017, seeking to build a new life for himself and his family. As a truck driver with a desire to become a U.S. citizen, Adam's path led him to Skyline Literacy, where he studied as part of the citizenship preparation class.
Having been with Skyline Literacy for just a month, Adam began studying in the Citizenship Class, gearing up for the crucial citizenship exam that would begin the way for his American dream. Upon discovering Skyline Literacy through a friend's recommendation, he recognized the value of the program in helping him navigate the complexities of the citizenship process.
Adam's determination to become a U.S. citizen was fueled by his goal to secure a brighter future for his family and himself. Recognizing the invaluable opportunities that citizenship could bring, he embraced the educational journey, confident that these skills would open doors to better employment prospects and enhanced community involvement.
Throughout his time with Skyline Literacy, Adam found joy in every aspect of the program, praising the dedicated teachers, tutors, and staff who provided support and guidance. The materials, including books and relevant YouTube resources, enriched his learning experience and equipped him with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in his citizenship endeavors.
Expressing his gratitude, Adam extends his thanks to the Skyline Literacy community for playing an instrumental role in his pursuit of U.S. citizenship. He became a U.S. Citizen on December 21st, 2022. With his goals firmly within reach, he eagerly anticipates the possibility of taking English classes in the future, confident that Skyline Literacy will continue to be a beacon of support and empowerment.
Adam's resounding endorsement of Skyline Literacy serves as a testament to the organization's commitment to fostering education, empowerment, and community integration. His journey shows the transformative impact that educational initiatives can have on individuals and families, showcasing the profound difference that organizations like Skyline Literacy can make in the lives of those they serve.